We've seen a certain Deadpool cosplay all around the US, but in Canada, it seems they don't accept people walking around in spandex as easily.
In the picture above, in the city of Edmonton, Alberta, there’s a dude in a spandex Deadpool costume (complete with prop swords and handguns) getting arresting after walking into an electronics store right before closing time.
I'm betting this was just a guy who wanted to act silly in public in a Deadpool costume. I mean, who wouldn't want to do that?
Amazing Female Nightwing Cosplay
This is the greatest female Nightwing cosplay I’ve ever seen. Cosplayer Eve Beauregard makes Nightwing pretty. Her nightwing costume may not be the most practical but it is incredibly striking. Love the deep blue touches on the gauntlets and belt.
Why You Cosplay Deadpool?
1. Nobody Else Will Be Dressed Like You.
Wear a Deadpool Costume, and to be witty, sarcastic, back-talking assassins rockin red spandex. You look so Unique!
2. The Spandex Deadpool Costume.
Spandex really compliments a good body; you know who else is in really good shape?
3. Ryan Reynolds.
Yes! Ryan Reynolds! Remember that Ryan Reynolds played Deadpool in a X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And while the movie was inaccurate, his portrayal of the witty, charming, sarcastic Wade Wilson was spot on! He's also signed on for the Deadpool movie comes out next December.
4. You'd be a Deadpool fan before it was cool.
You would know all about Wade and his disrespect for the fourth wall or love of chimichangas before any of your friends!
5. Deadpool is Awesome.
Deadpool's funny, he's a little crazy, he dresses well, he's talented, he's really hard to kill, and he's aware that he's in a comic book! His wit is nearly as sharp as his twin blades. and his hilarious running inner dialogue, yes dialogue, he talks to the little yellow boxes in the comic strip. His love for pop culture and social awareness are always edgy and brilliant.
Wear a Deadpool Costume, and to be witty, sarcastic, back-talking assassins rockin red spandex. You look so Unique!
2. The Spandex Deadpool Costume.
Spandex really compliments a good body; you know who else is in really good shape?
3. Ryan Reynolds.
Yes! Ryan Reynolds! Remember that Ryan Reynolds played Deadpool in a X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And while the movie was inaccurate, his portrayal of the witty, charming, sarcastic Wade Wilson was spot on! He's also signed on for the Deadpool movie comes out next December.
4. You'd be a Deadpool fan before it was cool.
You would know all about Wade and his disrespect for the fourth wall or love of chimichangas before any of your friends!
5. Deadpool is Awesome.
Deadpool's funny, he's a little crazy, he dresses well, he's talented, he's really hard to kill, and he's aware that he's in a comic book! His wit is nearly as sharp as his twin blades. and his hilarious running inner dialogue, yes dialogue, he talks to the little yellow boxes in the comic strip. His love for pop culture and social awareness are always edgy and brilliant.
Ways To Be The Riddler
1. Get a Riddler costume, either the green bodysuit with question marks or the green suit, complete your look with a bowler hat, a mask and a care.
2. Learn how to pull of riddles, word games and puzzles without people knowing what you are doing until you've pulled off what you have intentionally planned.
3. If you do have reasons for doing things, hide them! Never let people know what you are up to, and always hide your intentions.
4. Have no fear. This may seem a bit "Batman-like" but it's also essential if you want to become the Riddler. The Riddler is not afraid of being locked up. He's not afraid of Batman. He's not afraid of the police. He's not afraid to die. When Batman beat him up while interrogating him, all the Riddler did was laugh and keep confidence. Well, not all the time. Keep lots of self-confidence
5. Never take anything too seriously. Always see the light-hearted and funny side of everything. The Riddler makes loads of funny riddles and comments but keep in mind that he doesn't overdo it. Make sure you have the right timing for your riddles and only say them in the right situations; otherwise people will think you are just trying desperately to be funny!
6. Gain more intelligence. Even if you are already smart, become smarter. The Riddler is extremely intelligent and cunning no matter how crazy he seems. He always has backup plans and people doing his dirty work.
7. Riddler is known to cheat people out of their belongings by his puzzles and high IQ of knowledge. Learn how to hack and interfere with small things to catch your victims for example, hack into a video camera or tv/computer and broadcast yourself from your hideout blackmailing or intimidating your victims. Don't steal anything, they know the riddler is to smart to do petty identity theft.
8. The Riddler has also been seen with question mark cane pistols or exploding jigsaw pieces, and lockpicks, and his original cane so stock up on accessories.
9. Underestimate your victims. Outsmart them with your knowledge. Put question marks and riddles around your area to have people curious about the towns new RIDDLER.
10. Lastly make your hideout. You have to have a hidden hideout or people will know your secrets and plans and eventually take you down. Keep your plans and victims hidden. Have a television screen, video recorder to intimidate your victims, a table for all your plans, and a basement or space to keep your victims.
2. Learn how to pull of riddles, word games and puzzles without people knowing what you are doing until you've pulled off what you have intentionally planned.
3. If you do have reasons for doing things, hide them! Never let people know what you are up to, and always hide your intentions.
4. Have no fear. This may seem a bit "Batman-like" but it's also essential if you want to become the Riddler. The Riddler is not afraid of being locked up. He's not afraid of Batman. He's not afraid of the police. He's not afraid to die. When Batman beat him up while interrogating him, all the Riddler did was laugh and keep confidence. Well, not all the time. Keep lots of self-confidence
5. Never take anything too seriously. Always see the light-hearted and funny side of everything. The Riddler makes loads of funny riddles and comments but keep in mind that he doesn't overdo it. Make sure you have the right timing for your riddles and only say them in the right situations; otherwise people will think you are just trying desperately to be funny!
6. Gain more intelligence. Even if you are already smart, become smarter. The Riddler is extremely intelligent and cunning no matter how crazy he seems. He always has backup plans and people doing his dirty work.
7. Riddler is known to cheat people out of their belongings by his puzzles and high IQ of knowledge. Learn how to hack and interfere with small things to catch your victims for example, hack into a video camera or tv/computer and broadcast yourself from your hideout blackmailing or intimidating your victims. Don't steal anything, they know the riddler is to smart to do petty identity theft.
8. The Riddler has also been seen with question mark cane pistols or exploding jigsaw pieces, and lockpicks, and his original cane so stock up on accessories.
9. Underestimate your victims. Outsmart them with your knowledge. Put question marks and riddles around your area to have people curious about the towns new RIDDLER.
10. Lastly make your hideout. You have to have a hidden hideout or people will know your secrets and plans and eventually take you down. Keep your plans and victims hidden. Have a television screen, video recorder to intimidate your victims, a table for all your plans, and a basement or space to keep your victims.
My Favorite Ms Marvel Costume
1. The original Ms Marvel Costume
After getting blown up and saved by Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers gained super strength, speed and a seventh sense that would put her consciousness to sleep and allow Ms. Marvel to fight the prophesied problems. Her first costume consisted of a one-piece outfit with built-in gloves and an exposed mid-riff somewhat scandalous by 1977 standards. She also rocked a scarf and boots. The look might be a little dated by today's standards, but back then it proved pretty hot stuff.
2. The Classic Ms Marvel Costume
After getting blown up and saved by Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers gained super strength, speed and a seventh sense that would put her consciousness to sleep and allow Ms. Marvel to fight the prophesied problems. Her first costume consisted of a one-piece outfit with built-in gloves and an exposed mid-riff somewhat scandalous by 1977 standards. She also rocked a scarf and boots. The look might be a little dated by today's standards, but back then it proved pretty hot stuff.
2. The Classic Ms Marvel Costume
Soon after first meeting up with the Avengers, Ms. Marvel got a full-on costume change in 1978's MS. MARVEL #20. She ditched her original outfit in favor of a black affair with lightning bolt chest graphic, thigh-high black boots and separate black gloves. Of course, the costume design came from resident Avengers fashionista Janet Van Dyne, who kept a bit of the old look in the form of a red sash around the waist. Ms. Marvel wore this costume when she took over for Scarlet Witch on a temporary basis in AVENGERS #183.
3. The Binary Costume
Carol stuck with the black costume all through her ordeal with a villain named Marcus, who impregnated her with a version of himself. Later, on a mission into space with the X-Men in 1982's UNCANNY X-MEN #164, Carol found herself at the Brood's mercy as they experimented on her unique genetic composition. Eventually saved by Wolverine, Carol discovered that the Brood tampering had made her much more powerful and able to tap into cosmic energy. She took on the name Binary to reflect her new, star-like appearance. While in the Binary guise, Carol wore a white bathing suit-like torso piece along with white thigh-highs and gloves accented by her red skin and flaming head. Her new powers allowed Binary to kick around space for a while, teaming up with the Starjammers, before ultimately coming back to Earth during "Operation Galactic Storm," which drained Carol of most of her cosmic powers.
4. The Warbird Costume
With her Binary powers depleted, Carol returned to the classic black costume, rejoining the Avengers in 1998's AVENGERS #4, but taking on a new name: Warbird. Things didn't go well for the heroine, though, as her past trauma caught up with her and lead to a bout with alcoholism that got her expelled from the team. After getting help from Iron Man with her drinking and power problems, Danvers eventually got a brand new look to go along with her new codename. The Warbird Costume consisted of a basic bodysuit with padding-on-the-outside.
Deadpool Movie Updates
X-Force creator Rob Liefeld, who earlier confirmed that an X-Force movie was in development, also clarified at least two of the team members that will be featured, one is Cable, and the other is Deadpool.
As far as who will play the roles of Cable and Deadpool, Rob Liefeld tweeted, “Ryan Reynolds IS DEADPOOL! Cable could be many…”
However recently Ryan Reynolds says his long-planned 'Deadpool' movie is ''risky''. The actor has tried to get the comic book movie - based on the popular Marvel character - off the ground since playing the part in 2009's 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine', but admits it's been hard because the film's proposed self-conscious plotline would deviate hugely from past superhero films.
He said: ''The character knows he's a comic book character, he knows he's in a film; he knows who the executives are at the studio making the movie. In the current iteration of the script, Deadpool is aware of the 'Wolverine' movie. He doesn't say anything disparaging about it, but he does at one point play with the Deadpool action figure with some curiosity.''
Given the film's narrative, Reynolds concedes it's only natural for film studios and Marvel to be apprehensive about the movie.
He added to Total Film magazine: ''It's risky for everybody involved. It's not as commercial as they would like it to be. It's a property that is excessively popular and successful just as a comic property. So you certainly don't want to mess that up. And if you're a studio, you certainly don't want to put something out there that you can't get back.''
As far as who will play the roles of Cable and Deadpool, Rob Liefeld tweeted, “Ryan Reynolds IS DEADPOOL! Cable could be many…”
However recently Ryan Reynolds says his long-planned 'Deadpool' movie is ''risky''. The actor has tried to get the comic book movie - based on the popular Marvel character - off the ground since playing the part in 2009's 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine', but admits it's been hard because the film's proposed self-conscious plotline would deviate hugely from past superhero films.
He said: ''The character knows he's a comic book character, he knows he's in a film; he knows who the executives are at the studio making the movie. In the current iteration of the script, Deadpool is aware of the 'Wolverine' movie. He doesn't say anything disparaging about it, but he does at one point play with the Deadpool action figure with some curiosity.''
Given the film's narrative, Reynolds concedes it's only natural for film studios and Marvel to be apprehensive about the movie.
He added to Total Film magazine: ''It's risky for everybody involved. It's not as commercial as they would like it to be. It's a property that is excessively popular and successful just as a comic property. So you certainly don't want to mess that up. And if you're a studio, you certainly don't want to put something out there that you can't get back.''
Ms Marvel Binary Costume
Gazillion's newest update adds a 1980s-era outfit for Ms. Marvel. The new ms marvel costume is available either via an in-game loot drop or the cash shop.
In the story in Uncanny X-Men #163 and #164, Ms. Marvel experienced some radical changes during an outer-space adventure with the X-Men. After being captured by the Brood and experimented on, her already augmented genes achieved their full potential and she was transformed into the cosmically-powered Binary!
Special visual effects have been added to show off Carol's 'cosmic flare' and give her a unique appearance.
In the story in Uncanny X-Men #163 and #164, Ms. Marvel experienced some radical changes during an outer-space adventure with the X-Men. After being captured by the Brood and experimented on, her already augmented genes achieved their full potential and she was transformed into the cosmically-powered Binary!
Special visual effects have been added to show off Carol's 'cosmic flare' and give her a unique appearance.
Deadpool Costumes History
Besides the most famous red and black Deadpool costume, Deadpool has lots of alternate costumes more than we think, here I listed his costumes appeared in comic books and video games.
Deapool costumes from Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3:
1. Original Deadpool Costume;
2. Yellow and black outfit with default mask, red wrists and ankles, "X-Men" and "Deadpool" logo in red on front and back respectively (Deadpool #17). This costume refers to an alternate universe where Deadpool was recruited as a "modified" human member of the X-Men and wore that costume.
3. Olive green and black outfit (Deathwish)
4. Yellow and blue X-Men Costume, blue X with red outline on right side of chest, yellow pouches (Weapon X: Days of Future Now)
5. Inverse black and red outfit, silver pouches (Weapon X)
6. Gray and black outfit, red X on belt with red eyes, military gray pouches (X-Force)
7. Cablepool (Parody of 90's comics) (DLC - Evil Twin Costume Pack)
Other costumes:
1. Ballerina Deadpool (Gold in Great White News HQ): Deadpool wearing a frilly skirt and tiny crown over his suit (swords replaced by magic wands);
2. French Maid Deadpool (Gold in Magneto's Prison): Deadpool wearing a french maid's had and brazier over uniform (sais replaced with feather dusters);
3. Pirate Hat (Deadpool's Carnivale, Infinite Mode only): Just Deadpool in the same Pirate Hat he wore in the actual level;
4. Chef Deadpool (Gold in Citadel Courtyard): Deadpool wearing chef's hat and no mask (swords replaced with spatulas, sais replaced with rubber chickens)
5. D-Pooly (Inside the Tower): Deadpool wearing a red and black track suit with a bandana and lot's of bling.
If you find any other deadpool costume, please be kind to let me know;
Deapool costumes from Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3:

1. Original Deadpool Costume;
2. Yellow and black outfit with default mask, red wrists and ankles, "X-Men" and "Deadpool" logo in red on front and back respectively (Deadpool #17). This costume refers to an alternate universe where Deadpool was recruited as a "modified" human member of the X-Men and wore that costume.
3. Olive green and black outfit (Deathwish)
4. Yellow and blue X-Men Costume, blue X with red outline on right side of chest, yellow pouches (Weapon X: Days of Future Now)
5. Inverse black and red outfit, silver pouches (Weapon X)
6. Gray and black outfit, red X on belt with red eyes, military gray pouches (X-Force)
7. Cablepool (Parody of 90's comics) (DLC - Evil Twin Costume Pack)
Other costumes:
1. Ballerina Deadpool (Gold in Great White News HQ): Deadpool wearing a frilly skirt and tiny crown over his suit (swords replaced by magic wands);

2. French Maid Deadpool (Gold in Magneto's Prison): Deadpool wearing a french maid's had and brazier over uniform (sais replaced with feather dusters);

3. Pirate Hat (Deadpool's Carnivale, Infinite Mode only): Just Deadpool in the same Pirate Hat he wore in the actual level;

5. D-Pooly (Inside the Tower): Deadpool wearing a red and black track suit with a bandana and lot's of bling.

If you find any other deadpool costume, please be kind to let me know;
The Original Ms Marvel Costume
Although Carol would switch to different costumes over the years, I miss her original Ms marvel Costume.
When Carol Danvers first appeared as Ms. Marvel, she was wearing a modified version of Captain Marvel’s costume. The costume is a red and blue bodysuit with an eight-point yellow star centered on the chest. However, her bodysuit did not cover much of her body. There were no legs on the bottom and the top had diamonds cut out of the front and back. This left her legs, lower back, and midriff exposed. Her blue boots with red strip at the top matched her costume and she also wore a blue mask to hide her identity. Rather than a cape, Ms. Marvel wore a long red scarf that created the same flowing effect.
Ms. Marvel’s second costume was very similar to her first in appearance. However, it was much more conservative. There were still no leggings but the diamonds cut out of the front and back were gone. Carol had a solid top covering her entire upper half.
When Carol Danvers first appeared as Ms. Marvel, she was wearing a modified version of Captain Marvel’s costume. The costume is a red and blue bodysuit with an eight-point yellow star centered on the chest. However, her bodysuit did not cover much of her body. There were no legs on the bottom and the top had diamonds cut out of the front and back. This left her legs, lower back, and midriff exposed. Her blue boots with red strip at the top matched her costume and she also wore a blue mask to hide her identity. Rather than a cape, Ms. Marvel wore a long red scarf that created the same flowing effect.
Ms. Marvel’s second costume was very similar to her first in appearance. However, it was much more conservative. There were still no leggings but the diamonds cut out of the front and back were gone. Carol had a solid top covering her entire upper half.
Jean Grey Phoenix Costumes
1. Phoenix Costume
After the Phoenix Force duplicated Jean Grey’s body and infused it with some of her life-force and essence, it was intoxicated with human experiences and believed herself to be the one, true Jean Grey reborn. The X-Men had no reason to doubt her and considered the new costume as a symbolic expression of that rebirth. Phoenix wore a green body suit with a black neck area. Long opera gloves and over-knee boots, as well as a sash were made of some golden fabric that almost looked like liquid metal. The clip of the sash as well as the logo on her chest were stylized Phoenix symbols.
2. Dark Phoenix Costume
When she no longer could repress the dark hungers inside herself, Phoenix transformed into Dark Phoenix. Her costume too changed. Despite the color shift from green to red, this version no longer had a black neckpiece and the chest emblem was much bigger.
3. White Phoenix Costume
In the so-called White Hot Room Jean faced an entire host of Phoenixes in differently colored costumes, the color apparently being more than just decorative. Jean herself wore a white version of the standard Phoenix outfit and was referred to as White Phoenix of the Crown, apparently one of the highest ranks. The costume was also worn by Phoenix when she encountered Death after sacrificing herself on the moon.
After the Phoenix Force duplicated Jean Grey’s body and infused it with some of her life-force and essence, it was intoxicated with human experiences and believed herself to be the one, true Jean Grey reborn. The X-Men had no reason to doubt her and considered the new costume as a symbolic expression of that rebirth. Phoenix wore a green body suit with a black neck area. Long opera gloves and over-knee boots, as well as a sash were made of some golden fabric that almost looked like liquid metal. The clip of the sash as well as the logo on her chest were stylized Phoenix symbols.
2. Dark Phoenix Costume
When she no longer could repress the dark hungers inside herself, Phoenix transformed into Dark Phoenix. Her costume too changed. Despite the color shift from green to red, this version no longer had a black neckpiece and the chest emblem was much bigger.
3. White Phoenix Costume
In the so-called White Hot Room Jean faced an entire host of Phoenixes in differently colored costumes, the color apparently being more than just decorative. Jean herself wore a white version of the standard Phoenix outfit and was referred to as White Phoenix of the Crown, apparently one of the highest ranks. The costume was also worn by Phoenix when she encountered Death after sacrificing herself on the moon.
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